Fin: Why can't she say what she wants?
Carisi: She can say what she wants. That's the First Amendment. But the things she's saying piss people off. Words have consequences.
Fin: So it's free speech until it pisses someone off and then it's hate speech?
Carisi: Come on, how would you feel if she was saying these kinds of things about African Americans?
Fin: I don't listen to ignorant people.
Carisi: That's you. The rest of the world doesn't work that way.

Benson: You told my detectives you were set up. Why were you in the synagogue?
Nazar: I was lured there. By a man pretending to want peace. I was attacked by a Zionist.

I knew those two were up to no good. They had red hats, you know. MAGA. And they called me a kike.


Snake: You know how it is. It's where we from.
Fin: Yeah, but you remember one thing, J. Everything you do in your past eventually comes back to bite you.

Snake: I got nothing to say to you.
Fin: Well, that's good. Cause I'm gonna talk and you're gonna listen.

Rollins: Why would Vicki lie about something like that?
Fin: She was high, she's young, she was talking to a cop. It's a natural reaction. Like a tic.

Banks: I can't give you pictures of me and my bitch as an alibi cause I wasn't with my bitch.
Benson: Okay, then we're gonna need the name of your other bitch.

Benson: Okay, Dallas, I know this is difficult, but we have to ask. Were you raped?
Dallas: Yes... I know we're famous, but we're just people. I guess this is part of the deal we made with the world.

Fin: I gotta be honest. It does not look good for Justin right now.
Jo: You gotta fix this. You owe us. You owe me.

All the gifts God gave you and this is what you do? You're a disgrace.


Snake: It's a rage joint, it's a release. A lot better than taking pills. But I don't expect you to understand what life is like for me.
Fin: Yeah, it's real hard being rich.

Snake: Whoa, whoa, whoa. No one said nothing about rape.
Fin: And no one's gonna say it. We're just covering all our bases.

Law & Order: SVU Season 20 Quotes

Benson: So if this is a suicide, why are we here?
Cop: Because of these photos. [Shows Benson the photos]
Carisi: Micah was a pedophile?
Cop: Looks like it finally caught up with him.
Benson: He may be dead, but his victims aren't.

Oscar: It's legal! It's legal!
Fin: Rape isn't.