Benson: We think that the guy was someone we've been tracking. He's a serial rapist.
Lauren: Wait? Jen was raped? By that guy who kills people?
Benson: I'm so sorry.
Lauren: I don't understand. I thought that guy went after drunks outside bars. Jen wasn't like that.

Barba: I know this is hard to accept, but it's her life, her decision.
Olivia: The girl is not making a decision. She's being extorted.
Barba: Does she see it that way? Maybe taking this job is what's going to help her heal, let her move forward.
Olivia: I don't believe that for a second. And neither do you.
Barba: Of course not. So let's go bury this prick some other way.

Olivia: I'm here to help. In your business, I think you call it trading on inside information.
CEO: We don't do that kind of business here.
Olivia: Right. Well, I have a tip for you. In a few hours we're going to arrest Eli Colton for raping his associate Zoe White.
CEO: I thought you were here to help.
Olivia: Oh, I am. I'm giving you the chance to be on the right side of history. Eli Colton's name is going to be splattered all over the papers and your name is going to be there too. So the question is, do you want to go down as the hero or the villain?

Barba: Okay, so Eli Colton's coke dealer witnessed the rape.
Benson: So he's not perfect.
Barba: I'd say. Even if he's telling the truth, it's worse than useless.

Roger: You need better seats, cause I had nothing to do with this.
Rollins: He raped two of your associates! You don't see a problem with that?
Roger: That's on him! Look, I make him money. I find him undervalued businesses and he makes them turn a profit. We both get rich. What he does in his private life is his responsibility.
Rollins: And yours, cause you help him cover it up.

Kate: I'm sorry to hear that, but I can't talk about it. I signed a non-disclosure agreement.
Fin: So he cut you a check, huh?
Olivia: Fin!
Fin: I'm just trying to get at what happened. He did it again to someone else, and I think she deserves justice.

A few years ago there was a rumor that Eli raped someone. I assumed it was just gossip but then one day the rumors just disappeared.


Guy: If Zoe said it, then it's true.
Rollins: Why? Because she's honest?
Guy: No. Because she's smart.

Zoe: He kept his stupid watch on the nightstand. I kept watching the second hand go around and around. And then it was over.
Olivia: Did he say anything?
Zoe: Yes. He winked at me and then he said, "That was fun. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did."
Olivia: Did you tell anyone?
Zoe: Yes. My boss, Roger. He said, "Be careful. It's not easy to kill the King."

Zoe: I need to speak to a detective.
Olivia: I'm Lieutenant Benson. What can I do for you?
Zoe: I was raped.
Olivia: I'm sorry to hear that. Do you know who did it?
Zoe: [looks at newspaper]: Yeah. Him.
Olivia: Eli Colton?
Zoe: The King of Wall Street.

Carisi: Any word?
Fin: Stop asking!
Carisi: It's just, Sergeant Tutoloa has a nice ring to it.

Carisi: It seems like it should be a sketch on Saturday Night Live, but unfortunately it's real.
Rollins: Yeah, there's a lot of that going around lately.

Law & Order: SVU Season 18 Quotes

Guy: There's always something with these people.
Fin: These people?
Guy: Immigrants.
Fin: And your people came over on the Mayflower?

You said he had a loaded gun? He's lucky to be alive.
