Teddy: How quick can we get to the airport?
Murphy: We're not going to the airport. A word of advice: you pay someone to help you escape, make sure you pay them enough they don't sell you out to someone like me.

If those were really cops in that bar, that means I let a bunch of pigs get the better of me. You think I'm that stupid?


Jet: Put the gun down.
Seamus: Why? So I can help you get Murphy?
Jet: No. Because I care about you. I never lied about that.

Seamus: What's with me lately that I want to trust people?
Jet: It means you're a good man.

You might think I'm enjoying this. You'd be right.


Jet: He doesn't want to do it.
Bell: What? The hit?
Jet: Any of what he's doing. I know what you're both thinking, but a good detective uses every tool at her disposal, and I'm telling you that what I feel about Seamus is right.

Let me tell you something. I chose to keep my job because I love my team and I trust them more than I trust the politics in this office. And when it comes to solving the murder of my former partner, nothing is going to stop me.


Jack! Stay. He's like a statue. Jack always does what I tell him. I expect the same of my crew.


Seamus: I had a thought last night about you.
Jet: Oh yeah?
Seamus: Yeah. You're not who you say you are. You're hiding something from me.

Teddy: You guys want me to risk my life for you, and you want me to do it without protection?
Jet: There's a bar full of cops, morons.

Jet: So what's our plan, if no one's ever gotten in with him before?
Bell: We don't need to get in with him. He's going to want to get in with us.

Deputy Inspector: You have to be really careful right now, Ayanna.
Bell: About what? Going after the truth or exposing you?

Law & Order: Organized Crime Quotes

Mob Boss: Why am I here?
Stabler: You know why I'm dressed like this? I just buried my wife.

Criminal: Say I was able to get a message to Mrs. Sinatra. What would I tell her?
Stabler: What happened in Puglisia didn't stay in Puglisia