Sophie: What part of I don’t want to talk to you, don’t you understand?
Ty: Soph, wait. Tonight, you’re going to make a mistake you can’t undo unless you make a change.
Sophie: Mistakes are the only thing I’m good at.

Look at that. What the hell is going on?


Scott: Honestly, I don’t know how we’re going to integrate with these people.
Veronica: You can start by not saying these people.

Gavin: Will you stop? You’ve caused enough problems today. Try not to make it worse.
Sam: I was trying to get to my daughter!
Gavin: Now I can’t get to mine. That turned out great, didn’t it?

Yeah, I have issues. I just lost my mother and my brother, and today, your mother locked up my dad. Back home, I was as lost and misunderstood as anyone else, but at least I had people to talk to. Here, all we have time to do is survive.


Eat your heart out, Michael Crighton.


Scott: I never imagined myself holding a dino egg. Why isn’t there a camera when you need one?
Gavin: Hey, we can make a TikTok later. Put it in the bag, and let’s go.

Sam: Who the hell are you?
Ty: I’m your friend, just like the many friends we need to try and get back. I can’t do that on my own.

Josh, you’re not going through! We do this together!


Scott: What did they want?
Petra: I have no idea. She said it was safer if I didn’t know.

The clearing as we know it is gone.


Gavin: Iz, I’m not going to give up. I’m going to bring your mom back.
Izzy: You’ve been saying stuff like that since the beginning. All those promises. Look at where we are.

La Brea Quotes

Izzy: I should’ve held on, and now they’re gone. It’s my fault.
Gavin: It’s not your fault. I got you. I got you.

Izzy: Hang on, okay?
Eve: Izzy, you’ve got to go.
Izzy: No, I’ve got you.