Rebecca: Gavin, I didn’t have another choice. You have a role in this that only you can do.
Gavin: Is this about my parents? Silas told me they’re still alive.
Rebecca: Yeah, they are. I’ve known your father and mother for a long time. The three of us and Silas are part of the team that created Lazurus.

Gavin: Scott, I need you to level with me. What’s in the building that can bring Josh home?
Scott: You’re familiar with the concept of time travel?
Gavin: We’re in 10,000 BC, Scott.

Eve: I don’t trust her.
Gavin: Do you trust me?
Eve: Yeah.

Veronica, I came here to help you because I love you and want to have a relationship with you.


I don’t know how much time I have left, but whatever it is, I want it to be with you.


I can’t believe you’re actually here.


Izzy: I didn’t realize how much I’d miss him.
Scott: He’s going to be okay.
Izzy: Is he though?
Scott: Since he’s been down here, Josh has survived a wolf attack, a monster of a storm, and being chased out of an ancient fort, so I’m sure he can make it in 1988.

Paara: My people warned me again and again about taking the word of the sky people. What am I supposed to tell them now?
Ty: Tell them that you’ll give me a little more time.
Paara: I’ve already given you more time. I thought I could trust you.

Sam: Stealing from them is a declaration of war.
Scott: I hate the idea of war, but I hate the idea of us starving even more. I’m with Lucas.

I thought I would never see you again. I love you.

Eve(to Izzy)

I’m going to do what I can to earn your trust back. Whatever it takes. When we get out of here and we get Josh back, I want us to start again.


Lucas: That’s him! That’s the guy who killed my mom.
Veronica: What are you going to do?
Lucas: I’m going to kill him.

La Brea Quotes

Izzy: I should’ve held on, and now they’re gone. It’s my fault.
Gavin: It’s not your fault. I got you. I got you.

Izzy: Hang on, okay?
Eve: Izzy, you’ve got to go.
Izzy: No, I’ve got you.