Villanelle: Did you have a party or something?
Eve: I have lost two jobs, a husband, and a best friend because of you.
Villanelle: Yeah, but you got some really nice clothes out of it, so...

Villanelle: So what now, Eve?
Eve: I'm going to tell you something. Sit down. I think about you all the time. I think about what you're wearing and what you're doing and who you're doing it with. I think about what friends you have. I think about what you eat before you work and what shampoo you use and what happened in your family. I think about your eyes and your mouth and what you feel when you kill someone, and I think about what you had for breakfast. I just wanna know everything.
Villanelle: I think about you, too. I mean, I masturbate about you a lot.
Eve: OK, that's...
Villanelle: Too much?
Eve: No... I just, I just wasn't expecting that.

Villanelle: So, you trash my apartment because you like me so much.
Eve: I know, it's unconventional. So, what do you want? Honestly. Don't be a dick.
Villanelle: Normal stuff. Nice life, cool flat, fun job. Someone to watch movies with.
Eve: God, I'm tired. Aren't you tired?
Villanelle: A little, yeah.

Villanelle: You found me.
Eve: [chuckles] Yes.
Villanelle: Well done.
Eve: Are you going to kill me?
Villanelle: [shakes head]
Eve: Promise?
Villanelle: Promise.

  • Permalink: Promise.
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Killing Eve Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Villanelle: Stick out your thumb. Look vulnerable.
Irina: I AM vulnerable.

Villanelle: Shut up or I'll blow your tiny head to pieces!
Irina: My dad is going to kill you in the face!
Villanelle: No, I am going to kill your dad in the face.
Irina: No, why?
Villanelle: Because you're dad is an arsehole.
Irina: You can't say shit about my dad!
Villanelle: I can!
Irina: You can't!