Do you hear me, Cas? I'm going to find you.

Jamila [to Casper]

Soldier: You need to leave.
Travante: Yes, I do.

I'm going out to chase my dreams, even if they're just dreams because this Jedi shit might be the one and only thing that can save this planet.

Jamila [to her mother]

Man: Just a few things to feed my family.
Jamila: Take what you need.

What if you could save everybody?

Jamila [to her mother]

Store owner: Hey. Who brought you here?
Sarah: My mommy. She's in the bathroom.

Aneesha: You're very calm for a man in handcuffs.
Clark: The first prison you escape is your own mind.

Aneesha: Who do we have?
Sarah: Each other.
Aneesha: Who do we need?
Sarah: No one else.

I've worked outside the system my whole life and the only rule I've ever followed is make sure you're always breaking one.

Nakil [to Mitsuki]

Nikhil: My name's Nakil Kapoor.
Mitsuki: I know who you are. Everyone knows who you are.
Nikhil: Right. Right. Sometimes I forget there was a world before all this.

Aneesha: Luke, you know the rules. 17 seconds.
Luke: Yeah, I know the rules.

Mitsuki: There are people here who are in trouble.
WDC Thug: We're not here for them.

Invasion Quotes

Store owner: Hey. Who brought you here?
Sarah: My mommy. She's in the bathroom.

Mitsuki: There are people here who are in trouble.
WDC Thug: We're not here for them.