Margot: I think we should tell that “sandpaper-pussy-police-woman” what we know.
Riley: Can we not call her “pussy”?
Allison: We’re not calling the police!
Dylan: You’re un-fucking-believable.
Margot: Are you insulting me? I just lost my best friend!
Dylan: We should’ve gone to the police a year ago. And now that you’re in danger…
Margot: Breaking news! We’re all in danger.

Allison: That’s it?
Lyla: Your dad’s been trying to reach you.
Allison: If I don’t go home, you gonna cuff me? I mean, I know you’re into that kinda thing.

Bruce: Allison.
[Allison turns to him]
Bruce: You can’t turn.
Allison: I know, I’m sorry.
Bruce: You’re Lennon now. Allison ran away. You made it up, we both gotta live with it.
Allison: What if I can’t?
Bruce: You think her friends will protect you if they knew the truth?

Johnny: No, we said we hit a goat. This can’t be a coincidence.
Riley: It could be like the horse head on The Godfather. I mean, that dude didn’t say he hit a horse.
Johnny: That was a warning they were gonna kill him.
Margot: Eww! Old movies are boring.

Bruce: I’m just saying, it might not be so bad if she found out.
Lyla: That we’ve been secretly hooking up her entire life?
Bruce: Not the whole story, just that we’re together now.
Lyla: But we’re not together, we’re just fucking.
Bruce: But you still want more?
Lyla: That was a long time ago. This works now, it’s dirty in a good way. A “put your goddamn dishes in your dishwasher” sort of way.

Margot: Allison didn’t have any friends.
“Lennon”: She had me.
Dylan: We all saw how there for her you were,
“Lennon”: Are you legit shading me right now?
Dylan: Oh, everyone knows you didn’t give a shit about her.
“Lennon”: You have no idea what I felt about my sister.
Dylan: Yea, I do because I loved her. And you knew it, that’s why you fucked me that night. You fucked me to fuck her. And I fell for it. Now, she’s dead and I’ll never fucking forgive you.

Margot: I know you love me. And I love you too.
Lennon: If you knew me at all, you’d know that I don’t give a single flying fuck about you.

Allison: What if I don’t want to be her anymore?
Bruce: You can’t be “Allison,” unless you want to go to jail. You’d have to start over someplace where no one would know who you were. And then you’d always be hiding something.

Allison: Why? So I can be like you?
Lennon: I’d never wish that on anyone. I just want you to have a fucking life.
Allison: I have a life!
Lennon: You’re a virgin who doesn’t have a driver’s license. So…
Allison: Did you just misquote Clueless at me?

I Know What You Did Last Summer Season 1 Quotes

Margot: [Dances] Everyone so wishes they were us right now!
Lennon: Yeah, I fucking wish I was us.

Allison: Why? So I can be like you?
Lennon: I’d never wish that on anyone. I just want you to have a fucking life.
Allison: I have a life!
Lennon: You’re a virgin who doesn’t have a driver’s license. So…
Allison: Did you just misquote Clueless at me?