Matt: I checked upstairs, she’s not there. I don’t know, this is not like her.
Bridget: This is exactly like her. She probably just went home without telling us.

Trip: You took him on a three hour tour instead of driving him back to the prison?
Frank: I started doubting everything.
Trip: Oh, well please don’t doubt your stupidity.
Frank: Trip, please.
Trip: Please, what? You rope me into history’s most delayed, most backward crisis of conscience and you expect me to be nice about it?
Frank: I don’t know. Maybe.

Bridget: They’ll be super motivated to find Sam which will help.
Trip: Or not. Sam is now an escaped convict. A bunch of local, white cops looking for a native man on the run, they won’t just be carrying flashlights.
Frank: And we don’t want Hilde getting caught up in the middle of that.

Matt: You have no idea how I feel. You never have on this.
Bridget: You never let me.

Life isn’t always fair. Justice doesn’t always prevail.

Sam Gillis

Home Before Dark Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Trip: You took him on a three hour tour instead of driving him back to the prison?
Frank: I started doubting everything.
Trip: Oh, well please don’t doubt your stupidity.
Frank: Trip, please.
Trip: Please, what? You rope me into history’s most delayed, most backward crisis of conscience and you expect me to be nice about it?
Frank: I don’t know. Maybe.

Matt: I checked upstairs, she’s not there. I don’t know, this is not like her.
Bridget: This is exactly like her. She probably just went home without telling us.