You deserve for people to like you.


The length of your recovery is determined by the extent of your injuries. And it's not always successful. No matter how hard we work at it. Some wounds might never fully heal. You might have to adjust to a whole new way of living. Things may have changed too radically to ever go back to what they were. You might not even recognize yourself. It's like you haven't recovered anything at all. You're a whole new person with a whole new life.


Owen: It's a cute baby, right?
Cristina: Its small features and oversized thighs trigger a hormonal response from humans. It's autonomic. It's what keeps us from eating them.

It's not safe. The last time she was in a car she nearly died. We both nearly died.


You're right. You are absolutely right. Cars are not safe for children. Ok, neither are bookcases or squirrels, strong winds, people who sneeze. They're all going to get your baby. But honey you don't feel this was because you were in an accident. You feel this way because you are a parent.


NO, NO, NO, What I didn't ask for, was for you Mark!


Callie *singing*: Girl you got me trippin sunshine! God knows you just made my day. Since you came around no i just can't slow down. I wanna see you walking my way.
Arizona: Alright?!

If you can think of a reason; any reason at all why the universe is so screwed up and random and mean; now would be an amazingly good time to tell me because I really need some answers.


I'll marry you. Yes. Yes.


Jackson: Look, I am not the kind of guy that waits around for the girl who's still in love with someone else. I'm just not.
Lexie: Jackson, let's go home.

She can't open her eyes yet, but I can tell she's looking for you.


She's one pound, one ounce of strong.


Grey's Anatomy Season 7 Quotes

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.


You look exhausted. I look handsome.


Grey's Anatomy Season 7 Music

  Song Artist
Fresh Pair of Eyes Brooke Waggoner iTunes
Belong Cary Brothers iTunes
Song Midnight Hour Reflection Internal: Talib Kweli & Hi-Tek