Adapt or die. As many times as we've heard it, the lesson doesn't get easier. The problem is we're human. We want more than just to survive. We want love. We want success. We want to be the best that we can be. So, we fight like hell to get those things. Anything else feels like death.


Henry: May I please have a divorce?
Teddy: Oh, yeah, I guess. Sure, I mean you don't need me anymore, right?
Henry: Right.

I missed a little step, one simple step. When we follow the protocols we don't skip steps. People live, simple as that. You know you're right. I probably won't be chief resident, but the checklists work. You can't tell me they don't.


It's what you are, just be excellent at what you are.


I'm a surgeon and I'm a good surgeon and I want to be a good mother. Honestly, I don't know much about it, but I'm ready to learn and I'm a fast learner. And I will do whatever it takes to be a good mom.


You're Derek Shepherd. There's a reason I've been jealous of you my whole life, and it's not your hair. You're going to be okay. Even Sophia knows that. Right, Sophia? Say hi to Uncle Derek.


Lexie: I should go. I'm really happy for you. You seem happy.
Mark: I am. I have everything I've always wanted...almost.

I haven't had sex for like three days and I think it's giving me super powers. Everything is bright and clear. I am solving problems. No wonder you are so organized, you have virgin super powers.


Meredith: I put my hand on a bomb in a body. She could think that was...
Cristina: Suicidal? No, it was brave
Meredith: I told a shooter to shoot me.
Cristina: Change the subject.

Please take this baby away from me. I'm serious. Take her, Mark. Oh my God. Oh my God. The baby's crack, and she's crack baby.


If unibrows were my thing, I'd be all over that.


My mother was about as nurturing as a steak knife.


Grey's Anatomy Season 7 Quotes

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.


You look exhausted. I look handsome.


Grey's Anatomy Season 7 Music

  Song Artist
Fresh Pair of Eyes Brooke Waggoner iTunes
Belong Cary Brothers iTunes
Song Midnight Hour Reflection Internal: Talib Kweli & Hi-Tek