Cody: Do the spinal surgery.
Amelia: Sir, I don't think you understand --
Cody: We do. Save our daughter's ability to ride.

I already moved across the country for you once, and then when I tried to change my specialty also for you, you lost respect for me.


You don't have to hold it in anymore. I'm right here.

Link [to Jo]

I can't take a break. If I take a break, who is going to do the work?


Maya: You're okay.
Carina: I have a patient that's six centimeters, so I have to go.
Maya: You have to go.
Carina: Thanks for coming.

Link: I know she means a lot to you.
Amelia: That doesn't begin to describe it. I think the universe knows it screwed up when it gave me my biological sisters, so it gave me Addison, and Meredith, and Maggie.

Link: Ok, we're going to tap the knee now.
Norma: I'd like to tap that.

Maggie: Winston...
Winston: Yeah?
Maggie: Thanks for checking in.

Remember when being a doctor was considered heroic, like teachers and firefighters? Who does this? Who throws bricks and runs people over?


Teddy: What is going on?
Levi: Did you want the voice in your head to answer or...?

I am exhausted. I am terrified. I am not okay.


They doxxed me. All of my information is online.


Grey's Anatomy Season 19 Quotes

Amelia: Derek was a god to him.
Mer: I know.
Amelia: And Lucas was Derek's favorite nephew, and I do love him, so I hate to keep saying this, but I don't think he has what it takes.
Mer: I know you don't.
Amelia: He's a mess. He doesn't follow instructions. He has to do everything he own way. Did you hire him because he reminds you of Derek?
Mer: Not Derek. He is a mess. He does need to do things his own way. But he does have a stroke of the family genius, and he's a bit of a black sheep. You don't see it, do you?
Amelia: Is that why he drives me crazy? He's me.
Mer: Yes, he's you. He's got the spark. He's got the drive. He just needs a chance.

Jules: I think I may have already slept with an attending already.
Mika: You work fast.