Are we supposed to be surgeons or camp counselors?


Sometimes you can do everything perfectly and it still doesn't matter.


I don't want them to go. I want them to prioritize me. I want to matter.


Winston: That was a hell of a way to go out today.
Maggie: I couldn't have done that surgery without you.
Winston: You would've figured it out.
Maggie: No, I wouldn't have.

The Amelia I know is inspiring. She's not the queen of spirals. She's just the queen.


I have a history of spiraling when people leave me.


I'm afraid I might be losing another sister.


Simone: I'm asking you to be my Man of Honor.
Lucas: Yeah, of course. It will be an honor.

You said you wanted to be the vɑginɑ of the program because vaginas are so strong. Well, vaginas also bring pleasure. They bring joy, bring life. You got to be the whole vɑginɑ, Schmidt, not just the muscle.


Bailey: You know what they called me when I was chief resident? The Nazi.
Levi: That is widely inappropriate on so many levels.

Jo: You don't feel safe when you're not taking care of somebody else. It makes you feel anxious.
Link: And I think you can't rest because you never had anyone to take care of you. You stay busy all the time taking care of yourself and when you're still, you feel that pain.

I think you only have trouble resting when you're not taking care of somebody else.


Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.