Blair: Somehow between being traded for a hotel and selling out for a tiara I lost my true self. But I want to be found. Could you possibly help?
Dan: I have a feeling that the real Blair Waldorf is a lot closer than you think. It wasn’t all that long ago that she and I were working side-by-side at W. And I totally fell for her.
Blair: And what was that girl like?
Dan: That girl is fiercely strong. Independent. Outspoken. Beautiful. Capable of anything. And no man or magazine should be able to take that away from her.

Dan is my best friend and when we're together it's great. I feel strong and safe.


Chuck: Dad?
Bart: Oh my god.

Gossip Girl: Of course, everybody knows that on the Upper East Side nothing lasts forever. And when one door closes, another one always opens. The only question is: Who's waiting behind it.

Dan: Hey. I love you. You know that, right?
Blair: I do now.

Gossip Girl: Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite. Spotted: Blair Waldorf, headed back to Brooklyn. Haven't we paid the toll enough for that relationship?

Diana: Shouldn't the boat be here by now?
Jack: I'm sure they just got delayed. They'll be here soon. By the way the fake raid was a great diversion.
Diana: Once I saw Chuck was here I knew I had to get him out as quickly as possible.
Jack: Well it worked.
Diana: Yeah. When we're done here tonight we need to discuss a renegotiation of my fee. It just doubled.
Jack: That's a lot of cash.
Diana: Silence is expensive. You know that.
Jack: Hm. Once the boat gets here and safely departs, you'll be taken care of. Don't worry.

Chuck: After everything we've been through, there's no room for secrets. Nor should there be. Whatever it is, you can tell me, Blair. It's just us here. You and me.
Blair: I think once everyone is gone, and it's quiet, you need to go back into that house.

Serena: The old Gossip Girl hurt people but I'm different.
Nate: No you're not, Serena. Just look at what's happened to you. You've cut yourself off from everything and everyone you care about. That's not right.
Serena: Neither is tricking me.
Nate: Yeah, well go ahead and blame me but I did this to help you. Not to hurt you. Either way it's over, the real Gossip Girl is back.

Serena: My computer's gone.
Lola: Gossip Girl. She took it.
Serena: What? How do you know that?
Nate: Because we set you up.

Jack: Whatever you saw or you think you saw, you can't tell Chuck.
Blair: Of course I'm going to tell him. He has a right to know. And there's nothing you can do that will make me change my mind!
Jack: This isn't about me. Do you realize how many people get hurt if this gets out? You need to go. You've already complicated things enough by being here. This whole thing was supposed to go off without a hitch. You better hope it still does.

Blair: What just happened? What did you tell him?
Jack: Tell him what?
Blair: What you're really hiding here.

Gossip Girl Season 5 Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Chuck: Jack.
Jack Bass: Hello Chuck.