Dan: Wait, don't you all hate each other?
Blair: Yes.
Nate: Absolutely.
Chuck: No.

Serena: Why are you here?
Blair: Uh, I'm a big fan of Lincoln Hawk?

Serena: So where's Georgina?
Chuck: You're out of luck, she just left.
Serena: Where's Dan?
Chuck: I'm out of luck, he's still here.

Nate: You know, why do I get the feeling you're actually enjoying this?
Chuck: Call me sentimental.

Spotted, B. and C. reunited to defend S.'s honor. With friends like these, who needs armies?

Nate Archibald, man of the people.


Blair: Hello?
Nate: Hey, I only have a second. I'm on my way to Queens.
Blair: Gross. Why?
Nate: To meet Vanessa at a concert.
Blair: It got grosser.

Spotted, Lonely Boy, on the Upper East Side, learning the lesson that nothing stays missing for long.

Serena: I don't feel so good.
Georgina: (to Pete) Don't worry, she gets frisky right after she hurls.

Blair: You were on the floor!
Chuck: I hurt my back.
Blair: How? It's not like you every do anything athletic.
Chuck: Well, that's not entirely true, now is it?
Blair: Fine, nothing that involves removing your scarf.
Chuck: That was one time, it was chilly.

Serena: Because, I would rather Dan think I cheated on him than know what I really did.
Nate: What you really did?

[on the phone with Lily] I think you should have worry about your daughter. Worry like before she went away.


Gossip Girl Season 1 Quotes

Better lock it down with Nate, B. Clock is ticking.

Gossip Girl

Mrs. Waldorf: If you're gonna wear one of my designs, at least tell me so we can have it fitted.
Blair: Thanks, mom.