Wilson: When are you going to stop making excuses for why you keep getting derailed?
Callie: I'm not making excuses.
Wilson: You're not? You remind me of a dandelion seed just floating in the air in whatever direction the wind is blowing.
Callie: I'm adapting to the situations I find myself in, I've always had to do that.
Wilson: Just because things happen in your young life that you have no control over it does not mean you have to be stuck in reaction mode as an adult.
Callie: I'm not. I take action.
Wilson: Let's talk about your actions. You love Jamie and yet you thought the only way of taking action was to betray him.
Callie: Our values-
Wilson: Bullshit. You're not the only one with convictions. Your truth is not the only truth, but with you it's see it my way or hit the highway.
Callie: I don't agree.
Wilson: I don't think we'd be having this conversation if you wanted someone to agree with you. You're stuck in a loop, Callie. Playing out the same scenes day after day year after year. Time for you to leave the safe cocoon and bet on yourself. It's time for you to believe that you can be more than the Callie Adams Foster that we know and love.
Callie: What if I can't? What if the best I'll ever be? As good as it gets.
Wilson: I don't believe anything is as good as it gets. You have the power to make every day better, to let go of everything and everyone who's holding you down. You deserve the moon and the stars. You just have to have the courage to reach for them. Is that why you're leaving?
Callie: I'm leaving?
Wilson: What's keeping you here?

Callie: Why do I get the impression that Tommy isn't the only one keeping secrets?
Kathleen: Because you don't trust anyone.
Callie: Can I trust you?
Kathleen: Haven't I proven you can?

I"m not the same person either. The only part of the person that I used to be that I want to be is the part that's still in love with you.


Isaac: What would you do if I came back?
Malika: I don't know.

Gael: I'm going to be a father, and I don't know how to do that part-time. And I also want to be the partner you deserve, but I know I'm not capable of doing both.
Callie: Yeah, I know too, and when you shine your light on someone it's the most wonderful feeling in the world because you give everything you have, and now that needs to be on Isabella and the baby.
Gael: This is so hard.
Callie: Yeah, I know. We both know it's right.

Do you really believe I'm not ready to love you or are you using that as an excuse because you're scared of what we could be?


Mariana: I know you thrive on complications.
Callie: That's not true.
Mariana: Oh really, have you looked back on your life? Historically speaking you've sought out every complicated situation.

Dennis: Grief makes you want to pull back and isolate when what you really need to do is reach out to people.
Davia: I'm so proud of you and how far you've come, and that you found something that you're passionate about.
Dennis: You're a big part of that. You're a big part of the reason I'm still here. It's true.

This is about trust. And I don't trust you. And I'm not sure I ever will again.


Gina: I wanted to apologize for the way Claire's been acting.
Mariana: Look, I don't expect to be forgiven overnight or to be partner again, although that would be great. What I really want is to make amends. I miss you guys. You're my friends.
Gina: I think it's harder for Claire because of the whole Raj thing.
Mariana: But Raj set this whole thing up. He wanted me to work here.
Gina: I know, but I'm pretty sure that Claire thinks you cheated on Raj with Evan and forgiving you would somehow mean betraying Raj.

Nice try. Asian Guilt doesn't work in this country.

Margaret Cho

Callie: I heard you're calling Tommy's girlfriend to the stand. Give me a preview of what to expect?
Jamie: Well, I wouldn't want to give away any spoilers.
Callie: I hope you're not pulling any more dirty tricks. Tommy deserves a fair trial.
Jamie: I agree.
Callie: I'm not sure your boss does.
Jamie: I agree with that as well. Honestly, I haven't loved everything that's went down in this trial. I'm not sure criminal law is for me.

Good Trouble Season 3 Quotes

Callie: Why did you call me?
Kathleen: I want you to be my lawyer.

Gael: What's the story with Matt? He seems like a good guy.
Davia: He is.
Gael: And cute.
Davia: You think?
Gael: I'd hit it.