How can you keep all of this pain inside? You need help. If you really want to honor Jacob's memory, honor your own life.


Davia: He also uses sex to numb the pain, so ... .
Malika: We didn't have sex, Davia. 
Davia: I know that. Just saying in general. You have to promise to keep it between us.
Malika: I got you.

If we operate like there is only one seat at the table for women, we end up competing rather than collaborating with each other.


Wilson: I'm sorry about what I did today.
Callie: What you did out of grief, and anger and wanting someone to be held accountable for your loss is understandable. That's what Malika was doing when she came into your chambers. It's what Jamal's mother wants for her son, and it's why Black Lives Matter is protesting your appointment.
Wilson: And I suppose you concur?
Callie: The conservative courts in this country have become completely partisan. They unapologetically protect the agenda of the powerful, and the privileged, and the religious right. They want to overturn Roe v. Wade and the wishes of the majority of people who support a woman's right to choose, so if you're not going to respect settled law and equal protection for all, then yes. I concur. I'm sorry. Now is not the time.
Wilson: I appreciate your candor.
Callie: Last thing I'll say. I swear on my life that Malika didn't know they were protesting you, and she didn't leave because the people who are fighting for black lives, for her life, were counting on her, and I think that's something you can respect.
Wilson: Your tenacity will take you far, Callie Adams Foster.
Callie: I am truly sorry for your loss, your honor.

Evan: I need your app to fail
Mariana: My app?
Evan: Kendra has convinced the board that the activist app will solve our PR problems. If it fails, then Kendra fails.
Mariana: Can I think about it?
Evan: Of course. 

Casey: So, you put your boyfriend in charge of your app?
Mariana: Well because he was on the team before Claire.
Casey: And not because you could micromanage him? 

I told you. I didn't regret the sacrifices I made for the movement, but I was lying to myself. Look at you and Dom and all the years I missed out on being your dad. Your mom told me I was out there fighting against the destruction of black families, and I was destroying my own. Your mom, I loved her. She made me a better man, a better activist. My family, you were my peace, and you should have been my main purpose.

Malika's dad

Malika: I mean, If you're treated as intellectually less than from day one why would you believe in yourself or bother trying?
Mariana: Even at MIT some of my professors definitely assumed that the white women in my class were smarter than me.
Malika: Always.
Davia: I don't underestimate my kids. I even took your advice and found a book they could relate to.

Why are balls always the measure of a man's strength when we know it's the weakest part of their body? Also the ugliest. No offense.


Davia: You can't be drinking with Dennis.
Malika: Why?
Davia: Because he's just really fragile, and you just can't.
Malika: Dennis is a grown-ass man, and he can do what he wants.
Davia: Dennis was just released from the psychiatric hospital because his son died two years ago, and his divorce was just finalized.
Malika: I didn't know.
Davia: No one does. It's why he hasn't been hanging out much lately. He's depressed and spiraling, and adding alcohol to that isn't going to help.

Isaac: You really showed up for me tonight. I appreciate it.
Malika: Well, I wanted you to know that the movement is not my primary partner. You are. And I want you to know that I love you.

Callie: What is that? 
Wilson: Security footage from Tate's building. I just got it. If he's on it he's going to be very sorry he stepped foot in my house. 

Good Trouble Season 2 Quotes

Jamie: What am I going to do with you?
Callie: Oh, you don't have to do anything with me. Maybe I'm too naive and reckless for you to be bothered with.

I'm not sure I want to know the answer to this. Did you take the files?
