Malika: I've been thinking, what if I agreed to be monogamous while we see where this is going? We haven't dated long. I'm not opposed to monogamy if this is a forever thing.
Angelica: Wow, I didn't expect that.
Malika: I've been trying, but I don't want to get over you.
Angelica: I love hearing that, and I'm for supporting to good work you do, but I don't think you have time for the type of relationship I'm looking for. I still want to be in your life as a friend.

Jazmine: So, how do you feel about Isabella changing her mind?
Gael: I feel blindsided.

Mariana: I'm so sorry. This is all my fault.
Evan: Why did you go to the Farm in the first place?

Alice: How am I ever supposed to get on the lot as you?
Sumi: These people can't tell the difference between Asian women.

Isabella, I would be so grateful if you gave me the opportunity to be a mother.


Gael, I think I changed my mind. I want to keep her.


Ryan: Dennis, are you in love with me?
Dennis: I don't know what that means, love versus in love.
Ryan : Are you in love with Davia? You're blushing. That's what in love means. It's visceral. Indeniable .Irrepressible. And I don't want to be anyone's consolation prize.
Dennis: You are not a consolation prize. You're brilliant and beautiful.
Ryan: Yes, I am. And you're a wonderful man. You're just not my man.

Although the world doesn't treat us like it, we are all worthy. We all deserve to have roofs over our heads.


Davia: Do you want kids? I never really asked you that.
Davia: It depends on who I would be having them with. Does Ryan want kids?
Dennis: Yeah.
Davia: And are you moving in with her?
Dennis:No, I''m not moving in with Ryan, in fact, I'm just not seeing her anymore.

I am too old for this, and so are you. I have an idea. Why don't you move in with me? We can wake up every morning together.


Jenna: I want to leave. I actually ran away or tried to but Adam picked me up and brought me back here.
Mariana: So Silas won't let you leave.
Jenna: Not since Joaquin showed up. Silas is constantly watching me and he's been abusive. He locks me in at night.

Silas: Horses are very intuitive, they can sense a person's energy, their true intentions. I have that gift.
Mariana: Oh, what do you sense about me?
Silas: That you're searching for something, or for someone.
Mariana: What makes you think that?
Silas: You strike me as lonely deep inside like you were abandoned at a young age or maybe more recently. Like someone close left you.
Mariana: I am searching, for a place to call home.
Silas: Well, maybe you found that place and your people.

Good Trouble Quotes

Callie: Why did you call me?
Kathleen: I want you to be my lawyer.

Gael: What's the story with Matt? He seems like a good guy.
Davia: He is.
Gael: And cute.
Davia: You think?
Gael: I'd hit it.