We're going to make a pact that we don't go rogue. If we're doing this together it means that we're staying together.


I'm sorry. I'm not putting you in harm's way again. Okay?I got this one. I don't need your help, Mariana.


I need to see you. I know what I have to do to save my company, and I need your help. Please come as soon as you can. I need you.


Evan needs to know he's about to lose his company, and if you don't tell him, I will.


Sumi: Why are you sharing our personal life with your co-workers?
Alice: That's what we do in writer's rooms; we share personal experiences, and it helps us relate to the characters.
Sumi: You are writing for ferrets!
Alice: Ferrets are people too! Sort of.

Silas: Everyone is free to come and go as they please at the farm.
Joaquin: Is that why you locked my sister up at night?
Silas: Sometimes people aren't missing. Sometimes they just don't want to be found. Give Jenna my love.

They told us that some people in the world wouldn't approve of our family, but they also taught us that love isn't something to be ashamed of. I think what was really important was that they didn't hide who they were or make us feel like we needed to hide anything. I think if they weren't out and proud, it would've sent us a message that there was something wrong with our family.


Jamie: Do you really think announcing or engagement is going to bring her down?
Callie: I just don't want to make things about us.

You need to stop feeling guilty for everything Evan. He's alive and walking.


Family drama is the definition of Thanksgiviing.


Lena: Kids go to different parents for different needs. What's important is that they have someone to go to for everything. Stef: I am so thankful for you, mama.

As Lyric's biological father, I have to insist on having the last word on this.


Good Trouble Quotes

Callie: Why did you call me?
Kathleen: I want you to be my lawyer.

Gael: What's the story with Matt? He seems like a good guy.
Davia: He is.
Gael: And cute.
Davia: You think?
Gael: I'd hit it.