Nina: Will you just answer a simple question?
Aziraphale: If I hear one, of course.

Good Omens Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes

Muriel: Do you know how much trouble I’ll get into for this?
Crowley: It’s fine. You’re forgetting about the bees.
Muriel: Bees?
Crowley: Angels are like bees. Fiercely protective of their hive if you’re trying to get inside. Once you’re in, well, then. Is it even faintly possible that an unauthorized demon might be just wandering around in Heaven unescorted?
Muriel: [shakes her head]
Crowley: Mm, bees.
Muriel: But you don’t look like a bee! You look like a murder hornet or a snake.

Nina: Will you just answer a simple question?
Aziraphale: If I hear one, of course.