[to Adam] I always get a little sad when the sun comes out and the snow starts to melt and all the snowmen look like they have scoliosis.


Santana: I have something to say and I have tried to keep it to myself but I will be silent no longer.
Rachel: What is it?
Santana: That Brody character is a freakin' psycho.

My first real week in New York and I'm snowbound in Bushwick with a bunch of musical theater queens. It's like Eli Roth decided to make a gay horror movie and this is the scene right before we all eat each other.


Artie: What we have on our hands is a lady manhunt. We need a hard target search of every gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse, and doghouse.
Finn: Ain't nobody got time for that.

[to Rachel] You and I both know how this thing ends. I don't know how, or when, and I don't care where you're living or what dope you're shacked up with. You're my girlfriend. We are endgame. I know that and you know that.


Finn: So, do you believe all that stuff you tell yourself about, you know, labels, and mature conversations, Sex and the City, really?
Rachel: You think I'm lying to you?
Finn: I think you're lying to yourself. And I think that the reason you can't really commit to Brody is because you're still in love with someone else.

Relationships are a lot like flowers. If you find the right seed, put it in good soil, give it water and sunlight, bam. Perfect bud. And then comes winter and the flower dies. But if you tend that garden, spring will come along and that flower will bloom again.


Today is the day we honor St. Valentine, a man publicly beheaded for defying his government, by exchanging candies and chocolates to nonsensically render the objects of our affection more fat and less attractive.


Ryder: It's a heart pendant from the jeweler at the mall. It's pretty but it's not too expensive so she won't think you stole it.
Jake: I'm going to ignore the subtly racist overtones of that comment because you are my hero.

[to Ryder] Dude, you are like some kind of love genius. Do you spend all your time watching Lifetime?


[to Quinn] You know we always were two ends of the same bitch-goddess spectrum. Maybe that's why we love each other so much. And slap each other.


Emma: Um, Sue, I feel really scared. I feel really overwhelmed. I feel like I can't think straight. I'm just really, really worried that this isn't going to work.
Sue: Well, of course it isn't going to work. You're a weird bird lady with a hollow pelvis and OCD. And Will Schuester is a weepy man-child whose greatest joy in life is singing with children. And his best friend? 19.

Glee Season 4 Quotes

Marley: I have this problem. I always assume the best in people.
Jake: That's my favorite thing about you, besides your eyes.

There comes a moment in every performer's life that defines him or her, sometimes for the rest of their career. This is our moment. We've struggled. We've endured. And now we must triumph.
