Cate: I know you guys don't trust me.
Marie: Yeah, and you're going to have to work really hard to get it back. Let's start with the woods. What were you doing down there?
Cate: I don't know. They were using Sam to augment Luke's powers, but they were doing other stuff to him, too.

Can I touch you?


Dr Cardosa: We killed a super.
Shetty: My God.
Dr Cardosa: I mean, I thought she'd get the flu, some vomiting, maybe diarrhea.
Shetty: So the virus worked?
Dr. Cardosa: Only five millimeters more.
Shetty: Alright. Now, can you make it contagious?

Soldier Boy: I'm Kate's imaginary friend from when she was a kid. Boyfriend, really. I taught her how to jerk off. Diddle that skittle. Flick the bean. Gotta find that man in the canoe. Came like a faucet. She'd crank up the Jonas Brothers. She'd hump a soldier boy pillow. She'd raw dog that pillow till she saw God.
Marie: Gross.

Jordan: What the fuck did you do to us, Dusty?
Marie: Hey, Jordan, he's just a kid. Leave him alone.
Andre: Dusty's not a kid. He's like 28.
Dusty: Yeah, and I still got a dick like a hairless caterpillar. Fuck my life!

Jordan: She seemed so freaked out when she woke up with me looking like this. Jenny Baccala was my first girlfriend in the 6th grade. She always wanted me to just be a guy. So, I changed for her.
Maverick: Did you ask if Marie was freaked out? She might not give a shit.
Jordan: I mean... I … no. I just assume that that's what she wants.
Maverick: That's on you. You're the one who turns into a dude to hook up with her. This is your hang-up, not hers.
Jordan: Fuck! You think?
Maverick: Yeah, look, for all you know, she's cool with hiding sausages and bumpin' doughnuts.

I am this fucking close to perfecting the virus. A viable way to control them for good. But if they discover that, I'm not paid enough to die for this shit.

Dr Cardosa

Andre: Show's not the same without Luke's hot takes.
Cate: His commentary was hilarious. He hated that kid.
Andre: He really did.
Cate: Everything is different now.

I'm going to need access to the tapes from campus surveillance, a full list of golden boys, classmates, girlfriends, fuck boys, and a couple of reflectors from the film department. Fucking Roy forgot her bounces.

Tek Night

Sam: You always do that. Why do you always do that?
Emma: Do what?
Sam: Whenever I say something nice, your voice gets all twisty, like it isn't true.
Emma: Look, I appreciate the compliment, but...
Sam: ... but I'm sick in the head.
Emma: Oh, I wasn't gonna put it that way because you know my superpower is as a puke eater. It's embarrassing, you know.
Sam: I'm not the best judge for what's humiliating. I used to put stuff up my ass for money.
Emma: What?
Sam: Yeah, no, it wasn't for money.

You're not real. You're all fucking puppets.


How long have you been eating Golden Boy's girlfriend's hole? Is that why he blew himself up?

Tek Knight

Gen V Season 1 Quotes

When Golden Boy flames on, his clothes burn off. And he's uncut. Because I guess like he's impossible to cut. I'd put my tongue on that.


Brink: See, that is what most superheroes, even the big ones, they just don't get. That being a hero -- a real hero -- it's not about glory. It's about sacrifice. You understand that?
Marie: I think so, Sir.
Brink: Good. Good. Because, and I can't tell you how sorry I am to tell you this, but you're being expelled.
Marie: What?
Brink: See, Golden Boy, Andre, Jordan, they're going all the way. They could save thousands of people. But not if TMZ finds out that they almost let a woman bleed to death because they were high. Somebody's got to take that hit.