Amy: Smeesh, Leela! This car has everything a beautiful woman like me needs. Victor said so.
Victor: No dog food for Victor tonight.
Leela: OK, the sticker says 55,000, but we'll only go as high as, say-
Amy: 60,000!
Victor: Oh, I will have to ask my manager.
Leela: Amy, you don't go up from the sticker price.
Amy: I thought it was an auction.
Victor (comes back from manager): He is not too happy.
Amy: I'm sorry. 80,000?

Amy: It'll be a couple hours. Oh, I'm gonna get sweat on my sweat-suit.
Fry: Hey, tell me something: You've got all this money, how come you always dress like you're doing your laundry?
Amy: I guess 'cause my parents keep telling me to be more ladylike. As though!
Fry: I've been there. My folks were always on me to groom myself and wear underpants. What am I, the Pope?

Hermes: Which concludes the summary of the movie I saw last night. Now, any old business?
All: No.
Hermes: Any new business?
All: No.
Hermes:Anyone spend the night together?

Amy: We ran out of fuel on Mercury and one thing led to another.
Fry: And it led there again when we got home.

Congratulations, Fry, you snagged the perfect girlfriend. Amy's rich, she's probably got other characteristics.


Leela: Bender! Romance isn't about money.
Bender: Oh, so it's just coincidence that Zoidberg here is desperately poor and miserably lonely? Puh-lease!
Leela: For your information, it's because he's hideous.

Hermes: Well I think Amy and Fry go together like a lime and coconut.
Farnsworth: Do I hear wedding bells?
Fry: What? No!
Farnsworth: Really? Oh, dear.

Zoidberg: You're both very lucky. I'd pay anything to end my miserable loneliness. If only I weren't so desperately poor.
Bender: Wait. You mean people will pay good money for romance? Hmm. I think I have a scheme so deviously clever that I-
Scene cuts to Courtroom
Judge: $500 and time served.
Bender: Stupid anti-pimping laws!

Hermes: Fry! Amy! Put your pants back on! I need a stapler.
Zoidberg: Stop! Stop! If you interrupt the mating dance the male will become enraged and maul us with his fearsome gonad.

Fry: Wow! We're great kissers!
Amy: Yeah! Hey, later, you wanna drive out to Europa? We could have a picnic and spit watermelon seeds at Jupiter.
Fry: Hey, yeah! I used to spit at stuff back in the 20th century.

Fry: Everything was going great. Then, all of a sudden, she's talking about hanging out. Hanging out? She's getting way too serious. I'm not a one woman man, Leela.
Leela: You'll be back to zero soon enough.

Fry: Don't you get it? She's smothering me.
Amy: Hi.
Fry: You see? You see? Now she's bothering me when I'm at work.

Futurama Season 2 Quotes

Gimmie you're biggest, strongest, cheapest drink.


Farnsworth: Bender, you won't believe this, but the empathy chip burned out. The emotion you felt for Nibbler was actually your own.
Fry: Looks like Bender learned an important lesson about respecting other people's feelings after all.
Farnsworth: No, I'm wrong. The empathy chip was running at triple capacity.
Bender: And I still barely felt anything. Good night, losers!