Fry: Congratulations, Bender. You've ended robot animal cruelty within a 20 yard radius of this building. You ready to call it a day, or do you have one more score to settle?
Bender: The second thing.

Hey, you people can't just burst in like that and cut off my hand, you gotta take a number.

Robot Butcher

Bender: No robot cow should have to be milked by a milking machine! And no milking machine should have to milk a robot cow!
Leela: Those injustices don't even exist.
Bender: Then let's find some that do!

Huntmaster: They're not fox hounds, they're springer spaniels, you twit. Or rather, spring-powered spaniels.
Bender: Bot-on-bot violence? Where will it end?
Huntmaster: Not with the dogs.

Charming. Now, into the ditch with you.


Fox hunting is an ancient and noble pursuit that's fascinated me ever since I heard of it ten minutes ago!


Amy: Finally, a uniform I'd be happy to be caught dead in!
Zoidberg: And boy does it wick away moisture! Gallons and gallons of it!

Bender: Yo, Squidward Scissorhands. You got this in an adult robot medium?
Tailor: The fox-hunting uniform? You, sir, must be a robot of noble bearings.
Bender: Well, I am descended from Prince Albert's can.

Shoot him, Blind Joe. And let this be a lesson to any other albino lobsters thinking of robbing our casino.


Amy: Don't worry, Mom! You can always come live with me!
Inez Wong: No we can't! Who you think been paying your rent?
Amy: What's rent?

This is why you never see a poor person with millions of dollars.


God didn't get to be God by giving away money!

Professor Farnsworth

Futurama Quotes

There! This oughta' show that stupid robot we care about him.


Dear Captain's Diary; I may not have found love on this mission but I did find a cute little companion who excretes starship fuel. And that's just as good.
