I think it's time to find an expert.


I feel like the prettiest girl at the winter formal.

Sex Machine

Rafa: I'm glad I met you, Katarina.
Kate: It's Kate. Please, call me Kate.
Rafa: I like Katarina, and you have no say in this.
Kate: Actually I think I can just ignore you.
Rafa: I am impossible to ignore.

I can give you want you want, but I cannot give you what you need, not until I'm finished with him.


Don't worry. Who am I to screw over a Gecko? It wouldn't be good for business, right?


I am not here to convert you so do not convert me.


You are a missionary. You came down here to help the little brown people so it would look good on your application. Want to take a selfie?


So if you want to know which Gecko I am, I'm the dedicated one. I'm the one on a mission. I get to keep all the art on the train.


Richie: What's the rule?
Santánico: No eating civilians.

Richie: They got their own Lou Ferrigno.
Santánico: Their own que?

Listen to me very carefully, okay? He's dead. Even if he's alive, he's dead.


I feel like I would have been better off alone. I probably would have made a killing as Richie's knife throwing girl.
