I must say, you have made a very wise decision to go forward. You deserve to be happy. Both of you.


When your mother and I were courting, we used to take long walks in the park. But, I can see for your generation, a drive to a warehouse can be just as enchanting.


Peter: Your turn now.
Olivia: Okay, I got one. You know when we're watching TV and you start to rub my back and you're not really paying attention because you're kind of distracted...
Peter: Yeah...
Olivia: And you, uh, turn your hand in a circle just over and over and over....
Peter: Well, I wouldn't say that's exactly how it is, but yes, I know what you're talking about.
Olivia: It's kind of like you're burrowing through the muscle right into the bone.
Peter: I think I get the point.
Olivia: Okay. I don't like it.
Peter: I had no idea. Okay, no more burrowing.
Olivia: See? I love this full disclosure. Why didn't we make this agreement earlier?

Peter: What exactly am I looking for here Walter?
Walter: Anything that is related to gravity. I think I remember seeing a file on floaters in there. Of course, it could have been from a period when Belly was in search of the perfect bowl movement.
Astrid: Charming.
Walter: Everybody poops, dear.

Hold still you infernal creature!


What a marvelous way to pilfer!


All I've managed to do with its vast resources is create a new flavor of cupcake frosting. Bacon berry.


Fringe Season 3 Episode 16 Quotes

What a marvelous way to pilfer!


All I've managed to do with its vast resources is create a new flavor of cupcake frosting. Bacon berry.
