Thirty years ago, I left Boston with my tail between my legs. I had dreams of returning triumphant. Now, those dreams just keep slipping farther and farther away.

Frasier: I am not a quitter.
Freddy: You quit your radio show. You quit your TV show. Didn’t you and Uncle Niles once have a restaurant you quit after one day?

They booby-trapped you with your own charisma. How dare they debase you by forcing you to do the very thing you did by choice for 15 years.


Why do you think I hired you? For your negligible teaching experience. For the zero academic papers that you’ve written. No! Because you are a big, beautiful dancing bear in a pink tutu that the students will actually pay attention to. That is why you are here. So dance, bear, dance!


Alan: What’s so offensive about being a dancing bear? You’re a natural showman. Why not use that talent?
Frasier: I don’t want to be a showman anymore. I want to make an impact.

If you just stop trying, I promise you will stop failing.


David: Look around, Uncle. You are the Rosie-cheeked debutante at this ball of the brains. I am the strapping young cadet.
Frasier: Go sit down, David.

Freddy: Backdraft is a cinematic masterpiece.
Eve: Backdraft is fire porn.

Alan: And how are things between you two? I remember how tense it was when he dropped out of Harvard.
Frasier: All these years later, I still don’t get it, but he’s forging his own path, and I support that.
Alan: And I believe you. Oh, look, now we’re both liars.

Frasier: Why is this called Scootch?
Freddy: Because they can’t legally call it Scotch.

I hope you’re hungry because this irony is delicious.

You don’t want someone walking into your apartment seeing my stupid, garish things. You find them embarrassing. In fact, I’m not so sure you don’t find me embarrassing.


Frasier Quotes

Alan: And how are things between you two? I remember how tense it was when he dropped out of Harvard.
Frasier: All these years later, I still don’t get it, but he’s forging his own path, and I support that.
Alan: And I believe you. Oh, look, now we’re both liars.

Alan: I still can’t believe how big TV personality Frasier Crane walks away from his talk show.
Frasier: It was time. I told them get off your knees and stop begging. I’m already out the door.
Alan: And things with Charlotte?
Frasier: She told me the same thing. But it was for the best. After 20 years in Chicago, It was time for George Bailey to get that old bag out of the closet and see the world.