Nick: So you got to the fuel reserves before we did.
Strand: It was enough to make an impact.
Nick: And then some.

Right now the enemy is not what's out there, it's actually time.


Troy: Of all the places to die Nick.
Nick: You're not gonna die here because I'm not dying here.

Ofelia, your father...he's alive Ofelia.


Shut up Troy, you're brother's dead because you brought a horde down on us. So why don't you quit jerking off about the tragedy of it and help me do what Jake would have done, or those people are gonna die. And if they do die, it's not because they were too good for this world, it's because we failed.


Alicia: You don't owe Troy, you like him. You share the same self destruction.
Nick: Maybe I'm as sick as he is.

Troy: I need some sleep.
Nick: No, we got to find a way to save everyone you tried to kill. You can sleep when you're dead.

I killed a man, and now I'm sleeping in his house.


I did it for you. You're the last good man I know.


Jake, you'll never live it down.


All things come to those who wait.


You're trying to save your children, I'm trying to save my city.

Lola [to Madison]

Fear the Walking Dead Season 3 Quotes

Troy [referring to Travis]: Do you love his live more than yours?
Madison: Yes.

Troy: I'm not a bad person.
Madison: No one said you were.
Troy: Some have.