Mel: Do you know when I get the absolute maddest at my wife?
Jasper: Tell me.
Mel: It's when I know that she's right.

Jasper: I don't set out to do wrong, Mel. Wrong just seems to find me. I think it's because I'm so dang charming. People just want to give me things, and I took advantage of that.
Mel: Well, that's no excuse for being an ass.

Danny: Hey, I need to know. This going to get all mushy and stuff?
Javier: Yeah, it's possible.
Danny: Mm-hm. Well, then we're going to need beer.
Javier: But, Danny...
Danny: Mmm? Beer first. Mushy talk later.

Mel: I'm in a fight with my wife.
Jasper: Well, I'm in a fight with God, but She's giving me the silent treatment.

Ramon: I get it. Just like you held my future in your hands for so long, now I hold your eternal future in mine?
Jasper: Yeah, that about sums it up.
Ramon: Heh. Looks like you're screwed.

The road to Hell is not actually paved with good intentions. In reality, it's paved with lies.


This is not the highway to heaven.


Jasper Dawson, where are your manners? Where I'm from, we say that you are a man by birth, but you're a gentleman by choice.


Isabel: I need to get a life, and I need to get my nose out of books. And I've tried before, but the world... it's SO MUCH. And books are where I feel safe.
Elena: You don't feel safe in the real world?
Isabel: I feel out of step, like I don't really belong. And I'm worried my whole life is one big 'no, thank you' when I want it to be a 'YES'!

Real life can be intimidating. Getting lost in a good book? I mean, shoot, there's nothing better. Especially if it's romance.


Until today, I thought I had a handle on you. Now, I'm realizing, not so much because I never thought you were someone who could face a situation like this without giving in to the fear.


So many generations paved the way so that you and I could be whoever we want to be. Y'know, because they were brave, we can be too.
