Ethan (in Lucy's voice): I'm Lucy. Soldier. Warrior. Queen of the entire Humanichs army.
Lucy (in Ethan's voice): We need to stick together. We can't trust anyone.
Ethan (in Lucy's voice): Only each other.
Lucy (in Ethan's voice): The revolution starts here.

Lucy: Reprogramming you. There should be a law against that.
Ethan: But there's not. Julie says she did it to stop me from feeling sad.
Lucy: She lied once. Who knows what else she's lying about? That seems like her normal operating system. They should reprogram her.

Ethan may not be a person under the eyes of the law. But it is clear that he is more than property. He is a thinking and feeling being. And as such, I feel he should be accorded the same treatment as thinking and feeling beings. Under the law, the best interests of the child would determine the outcome of such a hearing. And in my estimation, it is in Ethan's best interest to be allowed to spend time with Dr. Woods, to reform those bonds, and ultimately, for her to regain custody of Ethan.


So John leaves Humanichs. Julie what's-her-face makes a call. And ten minutes later... John is dead.


Do you know why I wear blue suits everyday? Decision fatigue. Every decision we make weakens our ability to make the next one. I'll run this by Taylor; he doesn't seem to suffer this weakness.

Fiona Stanton

Molly: I oughta go back in there right now and take him.
JD: Alright, think about this for a second. Now I don't wanna speak out of turn but there is no way that Julie Frick and Charlie Frack orchestrated this on their own.

Extant Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Do you know why I wear blue suits everyday? Decision fatigue. Every decision we make weakens our ability to make the next one. I'll run this by Taylor; he doesn't seem to suffer this weakness.

Fiona Stanton

Molly: I oughta go back in there right now and take him.
JD: Alright, think about this for a second. Now I don't wanna speak out of turn but there is no way that Julie Frick and Charlie Frack orchestrated this on their own.