You shitty dime-store therapist. A man's life is on the line here and all you give a fuck about is beating some stupid club record, that will do what for you? Give you five minutes of pleasure, while you fuck your underpaid, emasculated husband tonight? How the fuck does he afford this place anyway? Isn't he a guidance counselor at a high school?


Ari: Don't fucking cry Rob.
Rob: I can't cry Ari, my tear ducts will be permanently fucked if I do

Barbara: What's wrong with you?
Ari: Nothing!
Barbara: You're soft and sweet and nice. It's disgusting!

Sacrifice, Lloyd! Like the kamikaze pilots used to do


Ari: He's never had a straight agent. If I'm going to be his first, I have to show him I'm a friend to the gay man.
Lloyd: But, your not a friend to the gay man, Ari.
Ari: Lloyd, this is the big one. So just go grab your best dress and know that today your love of cock is a huge asset to this company

We may be whores at my agency, but we ain't pimps


Ari: Remind me never to get on your bad side, Lloyd.
Lloyd: Ari Gold, you could never

Drama: Turtle, you reek of desperation.
Turte: How much longer can we stay here?
Drama: How ever long it takes. If you want to bust a nut today, you might have to earn it.
Turtle: I always have to earn it

Lloyd [on going out with a gay writer Ari is trying to land as a client]: I'm not going for me, and I'm not going for the agency, I'm going for you.
Ari: Hey, whatever gets you through the night

Coming through. Alright. Civilian, no touching


Turtle: All right. What do you say we start with little miss fluffy-white-poodle over there?
Drama: That's not a poodle, turtle. That's a Lhasa Apso.
Turtle: Whatever. Check out the ass on the broad walking it.

Lhasa Apsos are very finicky dogs. And finicky dogs have finicky owners. And finicky owners wait two weeks before they even give you a tug


Entourage Season 3 Quotes

James Woods: You got five seconds to give me my fucking tickets! Five!
Drama: Or what? You're gonna huff and puff and blow the house down?
James Woods: How bout I'm gonna knock this fucking door down and come in there and shove your head up Turtle's ass! Give me my fucking tickets! You got five seconds! Five!

Ari: You pick up my suit from the tailor?
Mrs. Ari: I'm going to the fucking tailor, Ari. To pick up the new fucking $5,000 suit that I fucking paid for!