Candace: Why don't we have a toast to Cookie divorcing Lucious?
Carol: Oh, yes.

  • Permalink: Oh, yes.
  • Added:

Record Label Owner: Murders, money laundering. I've watched you run through this music industry like chaos.
Lucious: There's a method to this madness, I assure you.

Damon: I need you to do me a favor.
Giselle: What could you possibly want from me?
Damon: I need you to sign Yana to Bossy.

Doctor: You're sure everything is fine?
Both Kingsley and Andre: Absolutely, thank you, doctor.

Mine is going to be the last voice you ever hear.


Doctor: Is he here now?
Kingsley: Tell Doc I like that color on him.

I swear to go, Lucious. If I'm not going to be your ex-wife, I will be your widow.


I miss you.


My biggest regret is not using a condom 37 years ago, you crackhead.


Cookie: Did you sign the divorce papers yet?
Lucious: I told you...
Cookie: Ya-ya-ya, you having a heart attack stupid?

Yana: My daddy? What does my daddy have to do with this?
Cookie: You have no idea.

You can't ignore the fact that Teri's on to us. Is she going to be a problem?


Empire Quotes

That boy is headed for a world of trouble.


Cookie: Damn. It’s hot in here. Can’t we get the AC fixed?
Lucious: If you got $50,000 to pay for it.