Jane died and came back to life. You said Jane is Deb. Stacey you might be right.


Fred: I wanted to thank you.
Jane: Thank me for what?
Fred: For letting me push the return button.

Stacey, what I'm trying to say is...you are my Cyndi Lauper, and Ali was my juice.


Fred: I'm devastated, bereft...
Jane: A drama queen...

Oh you're trying to figure out if I saw you my best friend kiss Grayson the man I once loved and that's why I haven't been in touch? The answer's yes.

Jane [to Stacey]

I also heard that the firm is having financial problems and it's up to you to save us all. Must be like trying to save the Titanic.

Jane [to Kim]

I haven't stopped thinking about Jane since she left for Italy.


Drop Dead Diva Season 4 Episode 1 Quotes

I also heard that the firm is having financial problems and it's up to you to save us all. Must be like trying to save the Titanic.

Jane [to Kim]

I haven't stopped thinking about Jane since she left for Italy.
