I could show you everything if you stop being afraid of what you don't understand.

The Doctor

King James: Who are you? How do you know these things?
The Doctor: I know because we're all the same. We want certainty, security. To believe that people are evil or heroic but that's not how people are. You want to know the secrets of existence? Start with the mysteries of the heart.

King James: I wish to know all the secrets of existence.
The Doctor: Don't we all? But true knowledge has to be earned.

And why today? Because this is my problem. I can buy that this is the biggest ever witchhunt in England. Or, I can buy that it is an alien mud invasion. But both on the same day? I can't buy that!

The Doctor

King James: My father died when I was a baby.
Ryan: I feel ya. I lost me mum and me nan.
King James: My father was murdered by my mother who was then imprisoned and beheaded.
Ryan: Okay, that's worse.

[This hat] belonged to my first Witchfinder General, Scotty, who saved my life in barracks then later betrayed me so I had him shot.

King James

Ryan: I bet you have all the best kit, your Majesty.
King James: I have a great many artifacts. Torture implements. Charms. And a wide selection of body parts.

Becka wasn't kidding. These are hard times for women. If we aren't being drowned, we're being patronized to death.

The Doctor

I will still be with you. In the water. In the fire. In the earth. In the air.


Together we shall save the souls of my people from Satan. Even if it means killing them all.


King James: And what is your field of expertise, my Nubian prince?
Ryan: Uh....
King James: Torture?
Ryan: Me? Paperwork mostly, your Majesty.
King James: Paper! How fascinating! We should talk.

King James: And these are your underlings?
Graham: It's a very flat team structure. We all have our area of expertise.