We did it! We're not dead! We're totally not dead!


I should let you know I have a coordination problem. Not super serious. But, y'know, it makes life really interesting. And frustrating. And difficult. Especially at moments like this.


That's the problem with conspiracies. There's so much to think about.

The Doctor

I can't concentrate when I'm near her. It's like I forget everything I'm supposed to be doing. I mean, have you smelled her?


Kira: I'm just such a butterfingers.
Charlie: I love butter.

The Doctor: I need to you find out the history of the company and try to get some plans of the complex.
Graham: How am I gonna do that?
The Doctor: You're perfectly placed. No one questions a cleaner. You've got unrestricted access.
Graham: Yeah. And chronic skin irritation.

Jarvis Slade: How would you like a warning for insubordination?
The Doctor: I'd love one. I could add it to my collection.

The Doctor: I'm The Doctor. I'm new. And you are?
Jarvis Slade: Jarvis Slade, warehouse executive. Your boss.
The Doctor: Well, you've certainly got the clipboard for it.

Jane Maddox: [looking at The Doctor's bio scan] What? Two hearts?
The Doctor: Courtesy of the First Lady. Very good health care policy. Don't like to talk about it.

Dan: Mornin' Les! How're the family?
Kerblam! Man: Good morning, Daniel. My name is not Les but I acknowledge your amusing co-worker banter.
Dan: Every morning. So much for machine learning.

This is all that remains of our home. Our people. Every ancestor. All one dust.... They died unwitnessed, unsaved. We were too late to grieve or honor them. But we, who returned, gave up 100 generations to sift, to remember the lost dead, the unmourned. In time, it was all we knew. And now we travel beyond, seeking the unacknowledged dead. Across all of time and space. This is now the Thijarian mission -- to bear witness to those alone. To see. To bear pain, honor life as it passes.


Our past is no more. We are no longer assassins. Now we are witnesses.... We honor the lost as we cannot honor our own.


Doctor Who Quotes

You're going to fire me at a planet? That's your plan? You're going to fire me at a planet and expect me to fix it?

Doctor Who

I made you a souffle, but it was too beautiful to live.
