I use my job as a way to escape, to manage my addiction. You know, I feel safe at burying myself at work. But now it's just reminding me of how far I came from how and how high I had to climb to escape my demons.


Just because I don't put my weight behind Jerry doesn't mean I have any grand ideas.


All I know is before I became sheriff, this house slept better.


I didn't want this. Not gettin' 'em, not gettin' rid of them.


I think judgment is something people turn to when they're scared or they don't understand. I don't scare easy, and I would like more than anything to understand what you're going through.


Tulsa: You don't have to do what you're gonna do, OK? I will be good. I will be better than good. I promise.
Roger: I know you will. I thought about that. You just got too old.

The baby means you're gonna get rid of us, doesn't it?


You know, I hate labels, and here I am trying to give myself one.


David: I'm sorry it came to this, doc, but I ain't sorry I'm gonna live.
Paula: Make it count.

This isn't quite the Valentine's I had planned for ya.


That's right. There's not a manual for how to save hostages when one's your wife, is there? So I'm gonna write it! Ya hear me?!


Matthew: So you're feelin' like Kobe in his prime, huh?
Joseph: I am Kobe in his prime.

Deputy Season 1 Quotes

This is like that Brady Bunch episodes. Do remember? When they make Greg the rock star because he fits the suit? Well, I'm Johnny Bravo. And it didn't end well.


I'm a lawman. Never took a dime. Never put my hands on somebody unless I had to. Never pulled the trigger when there was another way. You want to hunt gangsters? Human traffickers? Well, I'm your huckleberry. But you're asking me to drag families from their homes so you can eat from the federal trough. When'd you lose your way, Jerry?
