Live together, die together, works when you have to keep on fighting. Totally sucks in real life.


"Gee, thanks Doc for saving us from certain death." Hey, no problem kids, any time. (glares at Irisa and Nolan) Grab a lollipop on your way out.

Doc Yewll

Doc Yewll: Now the ark-tech adapted itself, keeping the connection going through a spread-spectrum signal.
Amanda: Like Bluetooth?
Doc Yewll: You're adorable. But sure, why not, let's call it "Bluetooth for the brain."

Datak: Why would T'evgin help us?
Stahma: Must I draw you a chart?
Datak: Contrary to what you think, darling, your chivo is not magic.
Stahma: On many occasions, you've said different.

Stahma: I poisoned him with enough swimbo to kill a bell beast.
Datak: But is the Omec dead? No. He's at home smelling my wife on his fingers and chuckling about how he cuckolded Datak Tarr!
Stahma: I doubt T'evgin knows your name.

Amanda: Is this a conversation or a seduction?
Pottinger: Hopefully both.

T'evgin: why do you want me dead?
Stahma: actually, I don't.
T'evgin: And I don't want to be killed! So I guess that puts us on the same page, as the humans say.

Pottinger: Listen, had you shot me the whole base would have exploded.
Amanda: (shoots him in the leg) Looks like we're all still here.

Amanda: Niles?
Nolan: Awwww, nuts.

Nolan: Not you
Irisa: Come On!
Nolan: Benched!
Irisa: They blew up the arch!
Nolan: Don't care, you're staying here. And the two of you (points at Berlin) are working together to figure out who blew it up.

  • Permalink: Benched!
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Datak: What does that mad man want now?
Stahma: He wants us to blow up the St. Louis Arch.

How did you miss the car?

Rahm Tak

Defiance Season 3 Quotes

Amanda: You don't know how you made it to the surface?
Nolan: No, but the purple skins do.
Amanda: Purple skins?
Nolan: I'll tell you on the way

Conquer! Kill! Devour! Put it on a T-shirt so you don't forget.

Doc Yewll