Spooner: Something big must have happened to turn this place from Deadwood to Disneyland.
Behrad: It must be our alien, or gentrification. Either way, we should stop it.

I've seen weird before, but this is weird.


Sara: Who wants to talk about space when we have Legends gossip to catch up on?
Ava: Oh, hot and juicy. Okay. So, Spooner's great, well, once she put away her rail gun.
Sara: Sounds like my kind of girl.
Ava: Yes. Oh, and I was a binder, and, actually, I think I turned into a cartoon.
Sara: That's a new one.

Here, recovery Dragon Ash, usually for hangovers, but also probably good if you've been lost in space.


Spooner: And now you think I'm crazy.
Sara: No, crazy is the word people use when they're afraid of what you're capable of. I'm not afraid. I am intrigued.
Spooner: Damn. You really are cool.

Sara: Thank you for finding me.
Mick: The ship sucked without you.

Spooner: I mean, y'all are great, but there were perks to my old life. You know, never getting attacked by alien Amelia Earhart, never getting turned into a fork.
Astra: That was one time!
Spooner: Don't trust you.

Spooner: Where the hell are we?
Astra: Last year's finale.
Spooner: What's a finale?
Nate: You'll see. They're pretty fun. I mean, except for the one where I died.

Why would I help you? Because I died and you cloned me? I die about once a year, and my girlfriend's a clone. Now I'm gonna get off this planet, and I'm gonna propose to her with that ring.


Nate: Okay, well, if you need anything, I guess you're gonna ask Gideon, but I'm here for you, too. We all are.
Ava: Thanks. How's everybody else doing?
Nate: They're grieving in their own way.

Every scar on my body is a memory, a lesson that I learned in blood. And it's what makes me who I am. And I don't forget any of it.


I'm so sorry about D squad, no matter how delicious they were. But I never would have knowingly eaten an Ava. You're the most remarkable women I've ever met! The Ava I know, she's a great leader, has amazing hair just like you, and still has time for her one true pairing, Sara.


DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 6 Quotes

Behrad: Maybe she's with Nate. He was headed back to the club.
Mick: Back? Why?
Behrad: You missed Starman at the after-after. He said he had to prep for his show there tonight.
Ava: What the hell is a Starman?
Behrad: Major T? Ziggy Stardust?
Constantine: Bowie! He's talking about David Bowie.

Zari: I'm glad you're in a good mood, though.
Constantine: Well, why shouldn't I be? You see, my soul finally belongs to me, Astra is redeemed, and I get to wake up next to you, you Lovely creature.