Chee: Just go get help.
Leaphorn: You'll bleed out before I get back.
Chee: That'll happen anyway.
Leaphorn: Yeah. Maybe.

I'm getting really tired of chasing this guy.

Leaphorn [to Bern]

Emma: What happened?
Steve: I was attacked.
Emma: By what?
Steve: Aliens. ... It might have been a sheep.

Joe: Can you walk?
Jim: Can you give me a minute?

Joe: PI work pays enough to stock up on space-age monkey suits?
Jim: Don't entice me with your BIA police salary.

Jim: You're not telling me something, Mrs. Vines. And I've found that when people aren't telling me something, that's a good way to get hurt.
Mrs. Vines: Don't agitate me, Mr. Chee. It affects my breathing.

Jim: Should you be doing that?
Mrs. Vines: Don't scold me, Mr. Chee. We've only just met.

Steve [to Bernie]: Let me ask you something, Sgt. Manuelito: Do you believe?

Gordo: Wait a quick moment. That man was dying of cancer. Who would want to blow him up?
Joe: Who, and why?
Gordo: Oh, goddammit. This is not how I wanted to start my day.

[The doctor] is treating me like one of his regular patients, not an Indian.

Emma [to Joe]

Dark Winds Quotes

Emma: What happened?
Steve: I was attacked.
Emma: By what?
Steve: Aliens. ... It might have been a sheep.

I'm getting really tired of chasing this guy.

Leaphorn [to Bern]