Hacked Android: You’re a troublesome girl, aren’t you?
Five: I want my friend back.
Hacked Android: Your friend? You’re referring to this android?
Five: I’m taking her back.
Hacked Android: And how are you going to do that, little one?
Five: ‘Hot chocolate.’ [The Android shuts down and reboots.]

Sarah: What do you think?
Five: I think he’s full of sh--
Hacked Android [on the bridge]: --ship is registering strange power fluctuations.

Three: One of your buddies just got killed. Any one of you could be next.
Quill: ...And having a known murderer hold us at gunpoint is supposed to make us feel better?

Three: If you’re headed to the mess hall, I’d reconsider. Debate club’s in session.
Five: How’s it going in there?
Three: Oh, about as well as you’d expect, which is somewhere between hopeless and terrible.

The best alliances are formed from necessity, not convenience.


Three: This is ridiculous.
Two: It’s chaos out there.
Three: It’s going to be chaos in *here*. We’re outta cream!

Apparently, there is a fate worse than death, and it’s Commander Nieman of Ferrous Corp.


I thought you might be hungry, so I made you breakfast. It’s powdered eggs and bacon-flavored dehydrates… but the salt is real!

Hallucination Five

Hallucination Ferrous Corp Scientist: Please! I’m just a scientist!
Hallucination Three: I hate scientists! [shoots him]

Hallucination Three: We’re just tryin’ to help those people.
Six: You? Trying to help people out of the goodness of your heart? That *alone* should’ve set off the alarm bells!

Six: I should’ve quit then. But I didn’t because I was so obsessed with going after the General.
Hallucination Three: And you’re not so different now. I mean, you’re still obsessed with doing the right thing, and you’re pretty bad at weighing the costs. To us. To your family. To the outer colonies that declared their independence.

Six: Maybe this is the beginning of me getting all my old memories back. Hey, I know what you’re thinking, but you shouldn’t worry. I’m not like Ryo.
Hallucination Five: Neither was Four…

Dark Matter Quotes

Nyx: Okay, okay, I'll come quietly. You don't have to use that thing on me.
Guard: You kidding? [shoots her with a stun gun] It's the highlight of my day.

Oh, and thank you so much for telling me how to do my job. It's greatly appreciated.

Warden, sarcasm mode engaged