John: What kind of doctor did you say you were again?
Jenny: The fun kind.

McAvoy: Excuse me, Ma'am. I'm Detective Donovan McAvoy. I was hoping to speak with Freddie Haslem. Is he home?
Bonnie: I'm Bonnie, Freddie's partner. He isn't home.
McAvoy: You know where I might find him or are you expecting him back any time soon.
Bonnie: We gotta go inside. It's me you wanna talk to, okay? I sent the email

McAvoy: We looked for her, Noor. No stone left unturned. There just wasn't any evidence.
Noor: Her medical records weren't evidence enough? Her broken bones, bruises.
McAvoy: She never once said he hit her. Just that she'd had some sort of accident. I looked through those case files.
Noor: Dyanne and I took baby steps. We started forming a plan. Then stopped. When she felt ready, we started up again. Until all we had left was to figure out the right time for her to leave.
McAvoy: Just before she disappeared.
Noor: They think they're stuck. They don't know that there's something else possible.
McAvoy: Until they meet you.

Elodie Bouchard: The. chicken farm is only five kilometers away, so we thought, why not surprise our son.
Ross: You still came all this way just for chickens though.
Matteo: A chicken.
Elodie: No. Heirloom chickens.
Ross: Ah.
Elodie: Maybe, maybe you two could go with René to pick them up.
Ross: Yes, yes please.
Matteo: Yeah!
Ross: 100% Yeah.
Matteo: I know I don't look farmsy, but I feel like I had horses in another life.

Dr Sharma: Jenny, why are we here? And no, I'm sleepwalking is not the answer.
Jenny: Because if I don't fix this, someone might get hurt.

McAvoy: If you happened to have a little downtime today, take a look at a file for me. A friend of mine is helping out one of those true crime podcasts. They think they might have something new.
Jenny: Where's the body?
McAvoy: That's the thing. There isn't one.
Jenny: Okay, how do you -?
McAvoy: Just have a look at it for me with those Jenny eyes. If anything jumps out at you, call me.

Jenny: You don't have to say it. I know I look like a lab rat.
McAvoy: No, you look fine. Like a Jenny Marionette.

Darla: I never laid a hand on either of those boys.
McAvoy: I believe you. I also believe you didn't raise a hand to stop your husband's abuse. So many people are dead.

Kelly: i have to admit, I have a real soft spot for her. It's more than just giving me a job, she sort of, um, took me in.
Liam: Yeah, me too. I'm gonna start to think that, she has a thing for strays.

Alison: There's a reason why I joined the coroner's office. When I was a kid, just a few years older than Ennis is now, my mother died. 
Jenny: I'm so sorry.
Alison: It, it was a school night. And we'd run out of cereal, and i wanted it for breakfast the nest day, so my mom popped out to the grocery store, like she'd done a million times. And I remember it was raining because my dad chased after her to give her an umbrella. And she never made it home. And the police came to our house around midnight and said that there'd been an accident.
Jenny: What did they say happened.
Alison: That she must have fallen, slipped in the rain and hit her head. The coroner said blunt force trauma to the back of the skull was consistent with a fall.
Jenny: But you don't think that's what happened.
Alison: My dad went in to identify her body, and when he saw her, her lip was split, and there was bruising around her face. Bruising. You know, if she fell and hit the back of her head, that's one thing, but then how did she get bruises on her face? How did she get a split lip? The coroner saw a Ntavie woman and he assu ... I joined this office, so that I could make sure that no other kid had to go through what me and my family went through. You think that's naive?
Jenny: No, Alison, I think it's incredibly brave.
Alison: I'm not telling you this so that you go easy on Ennis. More to say that, we don't know what he's been through up til now.

I get it. If you don't wanna talk. I lost my mom when I was a little bit older than you. For a long time, I didn't want to talk. To anyone. I was angry. I was sad. So I drew. I mean, you don't have to do that. Or we can just sit here. Together.


River: He's just a kid.
Jenny: You okay?
River: Yeah, it's just, we see too many brown faces in our line of work. You know what I mean?

Coroner Season 2 Quotes

Alison: Jenny? What're you doing?
Jenny: Can you call the autopsy suite?
Alison: Do you want me to call the fire department too? Yeah, I don't think our benefits cover "fall from tree!"

Ross: This is ... I wish I was coming with you. This is dumb.
Matteo: Literally, um, every place name at Queens ends in "Hall." Like, this hall, that hall. How the hell am I gonna know where I'm going? You're the navigator in our relationship.
Ross: I messed up. 'Kay, I messed up big time. And that's why I'm not coming with you, but I will find my way back to you.
Matteo: Promise?
Ross: Yes, I promise.