Jaworski: Would you mind pulling this hunk of fascist gun ship out of my leg?
Kiera: How's that?
Jaworski: I might have nerve damage.
Kiera: I'm sure I'll get over it.

Loose lips feed CPS chips.


Once a partner betrays you there are only two choices. Buy them out or shut them down.


When I watch your show, I'm ashamed for you and for all your viewers. No awareness, no analysis, just reactionary opinions.


Travis: You're not that guy inspector. You're not getting the gun, you're not saving the day.
Dillon: You're pretty confident of that, aren't you?
Travis: I am.

Alec: Oh come one. You'll find another tech savvy kid to profit by. We both know that I'm not unique.
Kellog: Are you kidding me? You're the damn architect of the future.

Wow. This is very Marty McFly right now.


Some type of genius you are. You used the same secret SIM card for a year,


Kiera: The system protects the people, right?
Carlos: It's supposed to.
Kiera: Then in order to protect the people, we must protect the system.

Carlos: You're part of an argument I'm having with myself.
Julian: About what?
Carlos: About the weather. Whether or not people can change.

Emily, something horrible happened. I traveled through time for you.

Future Alec

Kiera: These robberies started after Lucas escaped. What does he bring to the party that nobody else does?
Carlos: The crazy.

Continuum Season 3 Quotes

You can't escape your fate, Kiera.


Soon you'll know everything I know. Soon you'll see the battlefield for the first time.
