Sonya: I've told you that you're important and that you'll do great things but you don't seem to believe me.
Julian: That's because most of what you say is psychotic.
Sonya: Put it together. Different messengers, same message -- Kagame, Travis, Lucas, Garza, ME....
Julian: Let's just get you out of her, alright?
Sonya: We're time travelers, and not just us. Kiera and Jason, too. We all know you as Theseus.

Kiera: Rescuing Alex is what this time needs.
Brad: Maybe, but I believe in Plan Bs.
Kiera: Way to communicate.
Brad: It's like we're married!

Carlos: It's using it to collect information. Information that you want to use to track down criminals before they commit crimes.
Dillon: I need help. I need better survellaince. Some of the shit that's gone down in this city? I need better weapons.
Carlos: Whatever.
Dillon: Yeah, whatever. You're gonna keep busting my balls on this, aren't you?
Carlos: You better believe it.

Brad: Now you know I love it when you play rough, but is that really necessary?
Kiera: Now you're my prisoner.
Brad: Don't overdo it.

All you have to know is that Catherine isn't his disciple. She's his jailer. The great day is coming.


He's the one you told me about, right? The original Freelancer who traveled back a thousand years to start your cult?


I am done being someone's bitch.


Kiera. I'm the one who killed you.


Brad: They were convinced that this city, this time was ground zero for a cataclysmic time anomaly.
Sonya: Cataclysmic how?
Brad: I don't know. But it went into my time.

I was sent because right here, right now is when the timeline became corrupt.


Travis: Time for some answers, future man. What are you doing here?
Brad: I'm here to clean up your mess.

Just because Alec believes HALO is harmless doesn't mean it is.


Continuum Season 3 Quotes

You can't escape your fate, Kiera.


Soon you'll know everything I know. Soon you'll see the battlefield for the first time.
