If you're going to look into my eyes, at least pull my hair.

Nurse: What are you doing?
Lexy: I have a headache, was wondering if I could get an aspirin.
Nurse: I don't see why not.

Chucky: How about 400 hail marys?
Nadine: That's a bit harsh.

Jake: Can you look after Chucky?
Nadine: I have class.
Jake: You?
Lexy: Um, no.

  • Permalink: Um, no.
  • Added:

Devon: Dude, I'm cooking for you now.
Jake: I couldn't leave Gary.

Welcome to your new home.


Michelle: Get out of my house.
Reporter: We had it on tape.

I don't discriminate.

Chucky Season 2 Quotes

Devon: Dude, I'm cooking for you now.
Jake: I couldn't leave Gary.

I don't discriminate.
