I'll make you a deal. Kill Jake and I'll let you live.

He's still out there. We have to find him and kill him.


This is good shit. God, I love hospitals.

What a fuckin' run! Hahahaha!

Lexy: Are you sure this is going to work?
Devon: No.
Lexy: Are you serious right now?
Jake: It'll work. It has to.

Michelle: Go to your room!
Lexy's Dad: She doesn't have a room!

Why is your doll coming after me?


Your dad used to beat you, yes?


Lexy: It was Jake.
Michelle: Haven't you put that boy through enough?

We have to find him and make sure he's dead.


God, you're so fucking weird.


That's my brother.


Chucky Season 1 Quotes

Woman: Hi, Jake! 20 bucks for that, sound fair?
Jake: 20 bucks?
Woman: It's got to be worth 20 bucks, right?
Jake: Yeah, where did you get this?
Woman: I have no idea. It must have been my daughters, I guess. Honestly, I don't remember. You into vintage?
Jake: No, I'm into retro.
Woman: Oh, what's the difference?
Jake: About ten bucks.
Woman: Fair enough.

Hi, I'm Chucky.
