Can I ask you something? Why wasn't I on the paperwork?


Charlie: I would never hurt a child. I love children. Do you have a child?
Ruzek: We are not talking about me.

Hello, Charlie. So where is she?! Huh!


Voight: You guys got married?
Halstead: Yeah we did.
Atwater: What the hell? Congratulations.

Halstead: It worked.
Hailey: I love you.
Halstead: I love you, too. Marry me, now.

It's over, but it's going to be different now between you and me. You always say tell me the truth so I can lie for you. From here on out, you tell me the truth, you bring me in, so we don't have to lie anymore. So I can protect you from yourself. You understand me?

Halstead [to Voight]

North: This really how you want to do it? You sure? This is who you really want to be?
Halstead: I don't know. You want to protect your family, this city, so do I. So what's it going to be, North?

North: You know, I looked into your unit for months. Looked at every member, looked at you. I was so sure that you were the one. Kid from a rough home, mother he had to take care of who died a brutal death from cancer Decade in an army, multiple commendations for this job. I thought you'd be the one person, the one who knew exactly who he was, the one Voight wouldn't be able to corrupt. I honestly didn't think he could change you.
Halstead: Everyone changes everyone.
North: No, not if you don't let them.
Halstead: So your brother didn't change you?

Voight: Jay! Give me up, and your conscience is clean.
Halstead: No.
Voight: .. I've always known that some case would get me in the end. If this is that case--
Halstead: What, you'll be all good?
Voight: I'll be fine. Believe me. I will be just fine.
Halstead: It is not that easy.
Voight: It can be.
Halstead: No, it can't be. You are no good to anybody sitting in a jail cell. You don't think I know that you're good for the city? I wouldn't be here working for you for 10 years if I didn't think it was all worth it. That you're worth it, and I don't want to give you up.
Voight: But you shouldn't have to pay for this.
Halstead: I will. One way or the other, I will. Because we always pay the cost for you, Hank. I'm already paying it.
Voight: I know that. I know, so give me up. I'm telling you,  Jay, this is the best option. Give me up.

Voight: Jay, just because we have dirt, it doesn't mean that we have to use it. Let's do the easier option, okay? Just give me up.
Halstead: I have made my decision. We're not doing this.
Voight: Yes, we are. Jay, we have done this your way the entire time.
Halstead: My way?
Voight: Yeah. And we both know you're going to regret it. You don't want to do this, and I don't want you to do this, so just listen to me now.
Halstead: Jesus.

Voight: OK, what's going on?
Halstead: The FBI found Roy's body. North drove me out there last night, and he made me an offer. He said either he's going to arrest Hailey and me, or I give him you. In about 24 hours. I'm not wearing a wire, look, here you want to see?
Voight: OK, I'll take care of it.
Halstead: No, you won't.
Voight: I'll handle it, Jay.
Halstead: No.
Voight: No?
Halstead: Yeah, I'm done with that. I'm here right now because of you handling it. I'm done with it. I'm done with being in the dark, and you taking care of things solo. Anything that's done from here on out we're doing together.
Voight: I don't think you actually want that.
Halstead: No, I do want that, and I'm going to trust that since I brought you into this, that you're going to give me that. And we're not bringing Hailey into this. She doesn't need another thing to eat, so in in the next 24 hours, you and me are going to handle this together.

North: You know who that is? Course you do. You're the one who led me here. You're the one who ran Voight's GPS the night Roy Walton disappeared. Damn good police work which is either tragic or ironic, I'm not sure which. I've been searching for the fault lines and this and it's you. It's always been you.
Jay: Is that right? I'm your weakest link?
North: No, it's not weakness, it's decency. It's possible, Jay, that you're too good for this world we operate in. You truly love Hailey Upton, do you? You had to protect her. You had to fall in line, and in the process, you became a full partner in the coverup of a crime. So here's what's going to happen, I'm going to give you a choice. I arrest you and Hailey and you, and I promise you, I'll make the case, or option two, you help me take down the person I really want, Hank Voight.

Chicago PD Season 9 Quotes

Kim: Anything you want to say before I read you your charges?
Wheaton: Are you a good mother?

You asked me if I have a kid. I do. She's a girl. She's seven just like Brianna. So you can imagine what I felt when I saw you It's a little overwhelming being a father sometimes. Being a detective. You get scared.
