We have to look at the facts, Adam. Like it or not, your dad is working for this prick.


I figured you were undercover. Why else would you be dressed like such a jackass?

Bob Ruzek

Adam, is there a chance your dad's dirty?


You say what happened. A cover-up is always worse than a crime.


Sad news is, the review board looks at women a little differently. It is what it is.


Feeding the cat, really? That's what you're doing here?


Don't run away from a compliment. Gets you nowhere.


Voight: Sometimes things just work out.
Platt: Uh-huh.
Voight & Platt: To Al.

  • Permalink: To Al.
  • Added:

This thing with you and Jorge, it's not gunna last. It never does with the bad boys. The sooner you realize that the better.


500 grand has a way of making people remember things they've never seen.

Jay Halstead

Ruzek: How do you want to play this?
Upton: Uh, low-key.

Jay Halstead: I don't know why we're debating this.
Upton: Cause we're playing with an innocent man's life, Jay.
Jay Halstead: Five innocent people died because of this guy's not so innocent brother and father. So sorry if my heart doesn't bleed like yours.
Upton: Excuse me?

Chicago PD Season 6 Quotes

Wait, so is this business or is this some sicko serial killer out here just trying to kill people with dope instead of bullets?


You are benched until further notice.
