Trudy: I need a name.
Voight: Adam. It's the only name you're going to get from me, Trudy. It's Adam's spot.

Hailey: I'm not a bad cop.
Mitchell: I never said that you were a bad cop. It would be real simple if it was about bad cops. It ain't.

It's Cam's brother. He's our offender. I think I got it wrong.


Voight: Did Jay sign the divorce papers?
Hailey: What?
Voight: Hailey, you had them on your desk. Are you okay?

My grandpa's trying to change the world, and you're trying to stop him.


You aren't born hateful; it's grown. I didn't know that until Cal was born. That's when it changed. All those roots it just died with him.


Sam, I will not let Richard get to that boy. You don't have to trust anything I said, but you can trust that I won't let him get your child.


My father will kill me ... then he'll have Callum forever.


Ruzek: I will move when you tell me what the plan is.
Sam: Did my father tell you to keep me here?

Torres: Aren't I fired?
Voight: I'll see you at the district.

I beat people for him. I did terrible things, unforgivable things, but I never waterboarded anyone.


How long can you hold your breath?


Chicago PD Quotes

But I wanted it. Wanted to be something different than what I was, knew I could. See, I don't people have to end up anywhere near where they started.


Yo, Al, don't you got some sort of beef with Father McSorley?
