Peter: She has a low chance of success, so I'm comfortable with proceeding with the transplant.
Archer: I'm not. If Leanne isn't okay with this, I don't want the kidney.

Leanne: You ghosted Sean for over a decade. And now ou want him to give you a kidney? Is that why you reconnected with him?
Asher: That's not what happened. He reconnected with Sean long before the injury.
Leanne: Who are you?
Archer: This is Hannah Asher. Dr. Asher works with me here at the hospital.
Leanne: Sure she does. I can stop this, you know.

Charles: You hit the gym already.
Ripley: No, I ran to work.
Charles: In this weather?
Ripley: Four miles each way, rain or shine.
Charles: And snow and sleet, apparently.

Sharon: Dr. Melvoin spoke very highly of the time you worked together at the Mayo Clinic.
Zola: That's very generous of him.
Sharon: Except Mayo itself was less enthusiastic. Evidently your residency was terminated for what they deemed 'vigilante medicine?'

Asher: All this time I thought that you were worried about Sean giving up his kidney, but that's not it at all. What really bothers you is he's giving it up to you.
Archer: Yeah, cause there's a 13-year-old girl out there who needs a kidney.
Asher: And you don't? Look at you.
Archer: Listen. This is my son. And he wants to sacrifice a piece of himself for me.
Asher: Yeah, he does.
Archer: I don't deserve it. I was a terrible father, you get that?
Asher: I get it. You feel unworthy. I'm an addict. I know what it feels like to fell unworthy. So does Sean. He knows what it's like to be lonely. And drugs are a great way to fill that space.
Archer: Hannah, please.
Asher: No, you listen to me. Your son doesn't ant drugs anymore. He wants connection. And he wants it with his father.

Peter: Dr. Marcel. The hospital's new owners, they're business people. This surgery goes south, they're gonna want your head.
Marcel: I hear ya.
Peter [to Sharon]: They're gonna want your head too.
Sharon: What else is new?

Charles: Her pupils ar blown.
Hannah: No... let me see. She's brain dead, isn't she?
Charles: Let's intubate. Put her on a vent til we confirm and hear from her contact.
Hannah: Did I miss something?
Archer: It was probably a subdural hematoma that the CT scan didn't pick up.
Asher: Or I didn't see. This isn't what I do. I'm an OBGYN.
Charles: Nobody did. Hannah, these things happen. It's not your fault.
Asher: Sure about that? Cause this isn't your area of expertise either.

Ivy: I was rescued. I was in a very bad place and someone took care of me.
Asher: Yeah, I can relate to that. I'm glad you're here. The world needs people like you.

Ripley: Okay, AJ, it's decision time. Spiderman or Wolverine. Pick your poison.
AJ: Poison? I don't want to be poisoned!

Maggie: Is that even possible?
Mitchell: Yeah. He's internally decapitated. Only thing holding his head on is this screw.

Sharon: Maggie, if you need an extra pair of hands, I could put some gloves on.
Maggie: I just might take you up on that.

Chicago Med Season 9 Quotes

Maggie: Is that even possible?
Mitchell: Yeah. He's internally decapitated. Only thing holding his head on is this screw.

Sharon: Maggie, if you need an extra pair of hands, I could put some gloves on.
Maggie: I just might take you up on that.