Archer: What is this?
Hannah: It's a renal-friendly snack bar.
Archer: It taste like cardboard?

I didn't want to face it. The last few months have been so wonderful. The way you burn the edges on my toast, laugh at all my dumb jokes... I've fallen in love with you all over again.


George: Since turning non-profit, there have been a lot of new voices and it has really gummed up the lines of communication.
Sharon: Well, un-gum them, because I won't be left out of the loop in my own hospital.

COVID, with all the isolation and loneliness, really amplified conspiracy theories in general, made the medical system a particular and easy target.


Sharon: Anything I can do to make you stop looking [for another job]?
Maggie: You got a time machine so we can go back to the time when we used to put people over profits?

Kira: My mom has a rare stem-cell disease and I'm not a match so I decided to get pregnant.
Asher: In the hopes that it'll be a match? Kira, we're talking about a human being here.

Marcel: So Brendan, you're some kind of hero, huh?
Brendan: A fool's more like it.
Marcel: The world needs more fools like you.

Grace: All I'm saying is that money isn't the root of all evil.
Will: Why do I feel like I'm sleeping with the enemy?

Sandy [as she signs in ASL]: I'm Sandy and this is my brother Aiden.
Dr. Charles: Nice to meet you. How can I help?
Sandy: That. That's what's going on. Aiden's hearing voices.

Sean: You're in scrubs. You going to work?
Archer: It's Wednesday. What's the real reason you're here?

George: Sharon, how are you doing?
Sharon: All right. I'm glad my part is over and I'll feel better tomorrow after the filming is done.

Zac: Dr. Archer, how are you?
Archer: Fine. Why would you ask?
Zac: Just asking. Do you need anything? Water?
Archer: I need residents to talk less.

Chicago Med Season 8 Quotes

I love this car. This is why I gave you the time of day in high school.


Will: Where's Maria?
Marcel: Team just took her to pre-op.
Will: I've been thinking about it. We should hold off on surgery. I want to pitch her the stent one more time.
Marcel: Come on, Will, we both know that's not a long-term solution.
Will: But given her age and livelihood, we shouldn't be so eager to flay her arm. Risk rehab, extensive nerve injury. No, no. Her hands are her life and we shouldn't take that from her.
Marcel: All the more reason to do the vascular repair. Deal with the pseudo-aneurysm with a stitch and keep her off anti-platelets. Besides, she's already consented.
Will: That's because she saw you on TV! She's starstruck being treated by the hotshot doctor from the news.
Marcel: You called me, remember?
Will: You don't think all that influenced her decision?
Marcel: I don't know, but I think maybe your connection with the patient is influencing yours.